
Weight vs Skill

Is proper weight more important than skill?
Only slim/athletic people look good dancing
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
You will never compete if you have extra pounds.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Votes: 270 Male 476 Female 746 Total
Member Comments ?
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Fitness and health are good for everyone. Dancing helps. Dancing is for everyone.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Level of instruction and measure of foot speed is critical to successful development.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Dancing is an art.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing should be enjoyable regardless.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
2nd rhythm & talent help
3rd a strong lead is a dream
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I've seen awesome dancers at all body weights. It should never be an issue....
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
enthusiasm is most important
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Weight like in body wright? Dumb question. Weight on my partner or pressure vs technique they use is better one? I say proper placement of our weight is more important. Basics first.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Fitness and appearance is a bonus
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
reasonable match in height, fitness minded, time to invest
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
This group is about dance, right?
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing should be for everyone. As a teacher I never look at my clients based on weight. They come in and get the services they requested. If they are health benefits that come along the way it’s a bonus for all of us :)
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Everyone should strive to be healthy.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Depends what stage level of analysis you are looking at … if for recreation/ hobby then who cares. If for aesthetic then it might matter.. either way it’s not a terrible thing to be in decent shape regardless of your physical disposition.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Good dancers always on top.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I can’t believe this is an actual question.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
some dancing experience would be nice
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing is a gift to enjoy regardless of your weight and body type. It's an activity to express one's art.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Rhythm and feeling, works for me
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Being that I am not necessarily built like most pros that I have seen I have to hope dance is for everyone. That being said there are standard clothes sizes that do seem to only be sized for slim/athletic figures of the shelf. This poll is also not likely to get all views as it would be frowned upon given its not confidential poll. So I believe every that votes believes what they are saying but those that do not think all dancers fit will likely just not vote or for sure not make a comment.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
rhythm and eagerness to learn is more important
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
If anyone tells you any different then its either because they are not dancers or because these are their own insecurities talking.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Dancing is within you, regardless of body weight or type
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Musicality and rhythm is in anybody and any body type who loves to dance!!
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I recently was at a dance and observed a very overweight, tall gentleman just out dance everyone out there. OMG! it was a joy to watch this guy. He was an excellent lead and had a really good technique.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
it's for all level and genre
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I fit the seriously over-weight description, and while I feel that I should lose some weight and I'd feel better for it, I still manage to achieve a good level of dancing so that I and my dance partners can better enjoy the dancing experience. The extra weight has not prevented me in my 70's from achieving my Ballroom Oscar goal, not once, but twice, the second time to nail an honours pass. Not everyone aspires to do that of course, but carrying a bit of extra weight should not be an impediment to engaging in social dancing, or even dancesport if that is the dream. The latter has not been my goal but at the age of 76 (and a late starter at age 62) I still choose to do lessons to keep me disciplined about the skills and to expand my dancing horizons in smooth as well as standard style, latin and new vogue genres. I try and sell my passion and enthusiasm for dance with new dancers, while enjoying the cut and thrust of dancesport from the grandstand. Dancing has given me a life as a single person in retirement and it should be there for anyone else who wants to experience the enormous pleasure and health benefits of moving rhythmically to music. Learning the skills adds to the enjoyment, and one's self-esteem is "massaged" by managing to perform using them. Learning is never finite - so the opportunity to have more fun and enjoyment always beckons!
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I am a short fat but adorable guy whose only exercise is dancing. People say I am light on my feet. I tell them "wait till I step on yours and then we will know for sure," however I never step on anyones feet. Dancing is life! I dance anywhere from 5-7 days a week. Dancing not only changed my life but probably saved it.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing is for enjoyment. If competition and medals give you joy, fantastic. If you just want to have fun, enjoyment and socialize, brilliant. There's a form of dance for everyone to enjoy
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing should be for enjoyment, not just competition and how many medals you collect. The only medal I would get would be for 'Persistence', and my musical ear is not very musical, but that doesn't stop me enjoying the likes of the Grasmere Waltz, Harry Lime Mambo, a Black Onyx Tango and others.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I've seen plump dancers who are amazing. For me, being overweight impairs my skill, especially when turning is required. Plus stamina is affected when I'm overweight. My hip flexion is more obvious when I'm slim.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Must know how to move correctly..
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Weight, shape, age none of that matters, if you can move to the music that is all that matters
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Weight does not matter! If you've got it you've got it!
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I am a comparative newcomer to ballroom/Latin even though I have my bronze preliminaries would like a dance partner to train with and go to the occasional social
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Lead with rhythm and I’ll follow you with a smile on my face. Dancing is all about the connection and flow regardless of bodytype.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
First of all it should be fun!
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
This is a stupid statement if you are familuar with dancing
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
If you have legs of any description you can dance
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
I have danced with ladies who were overweight that made a man forget all that by following like angels.
Great following and a pretty smile make a woman a joy to dance with.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Rhythm and talent are felt and seen once we quiet the mind, these two important givens are born with us, they are only silenced by the mind, the thinking, so, shut up and watch how you can dance! We all can!
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Kind of a baited question to get people to respond. How about a light and fun question like, "What's your favorite color to wear when going to a dance, and why that color? (or favorite outfit?) ...Something like that.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Not everyone is looking to compete, and many slim/athletic looking people have two left feet.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Being healthy and consistent perfect practice are all anyone should be concerned with.  The question posed a false dichotomy.  Shame on you
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
No one should be excluded from the dance community, but having rhythm, a love of music, enjoying practice (learning steps and developing floor craft) also contribute to being a good dancer and being a fun person to dance with.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
We all have preferences
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
I think dancing is for everyone but rhythm and height will make the experience more  interesting
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Height and weight are definitely factors in a partnership, but not as important as rhythm and talent.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Kind of a silly and leading question. Seriously, is anyone going to say "Only Slim / Athletic people look good dancing"?.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Although I personally prefer dancing with slim/athletic people, dancing should be for everyone regardless of body type.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Honestly I think it’s what natural energy you have in your body to move if not being healthy/athletic does help with speed, rhythm, and technique.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
With that said, slim/athletic people do look better dancing.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing is one of THE most healthy, & sharably intimate art forms I've yet run across. (Albert Einstein School of Medicine has studied this against a lot of other kinds of exercise as well, & then there are the psycho-socio-emotional components that maybe someone has measured? Going in for a competition for example, produces the same levels of cortisol stress as your first parachute jump, each and EVERY time! Being judged is rough indeed). If you don't have a friendly place & person(s) to dance with, that can be almost the lonliest experience as well. True, I've never seen national finals comps with obese body types--6 to 10 heats of maximum exertion takes conditioning. My only peeve, is when someone has lost track of their mirror & wants you to do the jitterbug or jive at the same level as someone who still has their core...that's like the big belly guy who wants a bathing beauty on a dating site. There IS such a thing as a MATCHING couple in this & many other aspects of life, after all, that is, if you want the optimal synergy level, don't you think?
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Dancing is great for everyone.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Joy is a birthright.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
I am an attractive, slender, natural born dancer with professional training .... consider my talent a GIFT FROM GOD and for that reason L O A T H E the scantily dressed, half naked women in photos everywhere on ballroom websites online !
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
Stupid question.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
You don't need to be a certain size to enjoy the sport! Passion of dance comes in all shapes and sizes!
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
My experience is that most people love to dance with those that love to dance.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
My friend is obese and a bronze D. She always wins in multiple categories. Fantastic dancer.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
If you like moving your body to music. Then dancing is for you regardless of your weight or size.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
I was at a dance party the other day and a hefty guy began dancing and I thought, "Wow. He's a great dancer." On a cruise, I saw a very elderly lady come into the nightclub using a walker. But she and her husband were able to dance together without the walker.

Dancing is fun and size isn't a barrier as long as you're healthy enough to move your body. That means almost everyone can dance.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Dancing is about movement and balance
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
As far as professional competition goes I haven't seen any overweight competitors. I could be wrong. Maybe it has to do with the level of agility to execute multiple spins, splits etc. As far as social dancing goes, I don't think it matters. Just have fun with it.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
oh geeez that was the most arrogant statement i have ever made and i apologise.
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
sad if people are judged by there size, what if the same person you villify due to there size was the surgeon standing over you on operating table, would you say no thanks your to large or to thin. every single person on this planet has a skill, irrelevant of size
Dancing should be for everyone regardless of bodytype
Of course everyone would like to be fit, but that's not reality. Dancing is fun and great exercise.
Rhythm and talent are much more important!
A healthy BMI is more important for functionality and to accomplish highest athletic performance possible.

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