
Coach Gender?

Do you prefer a coach of your gender or opposite gender?
Same gender
Opposite gender
I value both equally
Votes: 657 Male 733 Female 1390 Total
Member Comments ?
I value both equally
I value both equally
I like it best when the coaches are a couple, helps both the leads and the followers.
Opposite gender
there's usually some sort of competition when the coach is same sex gender (exceptions prove the rule) ~ it is difficult though to really improve when taught by opposite sex only
I value both equally
I learn all of the aspects of a style of dance when I take from instructors of both the same and opposite genders.
I value both equally
Both have useful contributions
Opposite gender
I prefer opposite gender, but learn well from both.
I value both equally
It is good to both part
I value both equally
I prefer a couple. I can watch a man or a woman to learn
Opposite gender
Need the right perspective
Opposite gender
I prefer opposite gender
Opposite gender
I treasure the opposite gender as both a coach and a partner, but will always listen to professional instructors regardless of gender
Opposite gender
You can be trained as a couple- better connection.
I value both equally
Two to tango. Teams work
I value both equally
Both bring insightful & valued response to my floor-craft, as my dance focus is an expression of two as one.
I value both equally
You have to have both as your own gender corrects you on how your gender movement should be and then the opposite gender coach then can tell if you are doing things correctly or not, like shaping and how you hold yourself.
Opposite gender
I do not have a partner so think I will gain experience with one.
I value both equally
A good teacher is a good teacher!
I value both equally
I need both
Opposite gender
I prefer opposite gender
I value both equally
I value both too!
Opposite gender
I have both both great but like a male partner
Opposite gender
Yes, because I am new to this site and need some more lessons with beginner I feel it would be very helpful.Becky
I value both equally
You need both, the same way a great partnership relies on each other.
I value both equally
I value both equally
Opposite gender for standard, same gender for Latin - as a man I want to know how to perfect my technique for dancing standard with a woman; the "dancing with" aspect is less of an issue to learn for Latin, but I need to move well, and style well, as a man
I value both equally
Makes no difference if they are a good teacher. I've had both male and female teachers in the past and all were great teachers.
I value both equally
Gender has no bearing on lead or follow ability, or ability to teach various types of styling.
I value both equally
both are necessary for each gender of a partnership to fully understand each others role.
Opposite gender
Opposite gander is the way to go!!!
I value both equally
I have two male coaches and a female I value them equally
Opposite gender
I prefer opposite because you have your lead anylised from a woman's perspective. Therefore discrepancies are more readily realised.
I value both equally
You can learn from both points of view
I value both equally
Doth are the same and just as talented.
I value both equally
Both can be great teachers and offer different perspectives
I value both equally
A good dancer is a good dancer.
Everything is in the psychological way of transmitting to the learner.
I value both equally
I have found that both can be good
I value both equally
It is important that the have styling that matches the dance.
I value both equally
My dance teacher is female and she is an excellent teacher.
I value both equally
I don't mind the gender of coach, as long as they are professional and patient
Opposite gender
Both is fine, but a male dancer to me is better
I value both equally
The best classes/instructions are the ones that feature someone who is a follow, and another who is the lead. But, it isn't always possible to have both. The best instructors I've had are those who switch seamlessly between the two roles. I find that I learn well from both genders.
I value both equally
I've had women coaches than can dance the man's part better than a lot of men.
Opposite gender
What can I say I value the wisdom and the beauty of a talented lady they are much easier to stay focused on.
Opposite gender
For ballroom or Latin it's better with opposite gender.
I value both equally
C'mon! … Really? … It's 2016
I value both equally
As long as they can teach, I don't care if they're male or female!
I value both equally
Can learn a lot from both...
I value both equally
I have my own coaches of both gender looking for a partner
Opposite gender
Makes it much more comfortable
I value both equally
Teachers of different genders have very different perspectives to offer. The male (as the lead) provides information on how to lead and what my body should feel. The female (as the follow) offers great perspective on receiving my lead and what her body should feel when I lead.

I will occasionally follow to better understand what it feels like to be lead.
I value both equally
With respect to tango, I value both equally, and the majority of my teachers have been women. However I have to say that I feel that I have learned more, better and quicker from my male teachers. My male teachers have also been much more relaxed in their teaching. Whether this is just the luck of the draw I'm not sure. Still, while men and women may be equal, they are generally not the same, so learning from both is probably a good idea. :)
I value both equally
Skill, is not subject to gender!
I value both equally
My partner and I took from both sides. With the female coaches they tended to work on my partner much more and the male ones on me.
I value both equally
Prefer to have both at the same time. The married ones that "argue" are the best.
Opposite gender
I am more comfortable with opposite gender
I value both equally
I don't mind, no preference
I value both equally
A total understanding of both sides is a great thing.
Opposite gender
best if opposite I believe
Opposite gender
I would feel a bit odd dancing close with a man.
I value both equally
Getting tuition from both sides and different perspectives .
I value both equally
I am to new to dancing to know.
I value both equally
My female dancer provides the best lead, but competitions won't allow us
To compete together. Prejudice?
I value both equally
different perspective from both sides
I value both equally
coaching is for improvement. The coach will see the dancer objectively.
I value both equally
Either is fine.
I value both equally
I can learn from either.
I value both equally
A combination of both perspectives is always good !  Incidentally I am new on this dance site still trying to navigate around - how and where do I enquire about any upcoming dances and if so when and where they are and whom to contact ? I am looking for a dance partner (needn't be professional) just someone who is passionate about dance and enjoys leading on the floor where I can follow :) So am looking for contacts in SA being based there :)
I value both equally
It's dancing, for Pete's sake! I'd train with an orangutan if I thought "it" could teach me something! Wouldn't you? ....or does the orangutan's sex make a difference too? Just sayin' ;)
I value both equally
As a man coach we have the advantage to lead the woman and to have men following, as a woman has the advantage to be able to dance with both women and men.
I value both equally
Any good coach provides valuable instruction. Restricting yourself to one person, one gender or one role (lead or follow) limits your experience and education. Coaches that are leaders can convey the mechanics of what you are trying to do. Coaches that are followers can tell you if it feels right. Both can help by watching with it's execution
I value both equally
I value hearing a follow's perspective and tips from a more experienced lead.
I value both equally
Teaching technique is far more important than gender. I have experienced good and bad of each gender! One needs a coach whose teaching style and objectives match one's learning style and objectives.
I value both equally
In different ways
Opposite gender
The opposite The opposite gender will know much better how they wish to be led, They can see your mistakes, and point them out to you. They can also advise how the other dancer desire to be led - and treated. This is not to say that the same gender instructor is not of value..
I value both equally
All things being equal, the guy should have slightly more insights for the guy student, but I'd only dance comp or showcase with an opposite gendered coach. For those occasions & dance practice or social events, its the latter is the only way to go for me.
Opposite gender
I prefer female coach always
I value both equally
It's the skill of the coach and not the gender that is important.
I value both equally
Both genders can provide different opinions, expressions, styles, etc.
I value both equally
I find both very helpful as they each bring a different perspective
I value both equally
I have studied with male and female instructors - find both helpful for different reasons.
Same gender
I can learn more from same gender's gestures, figures, expression, performance....
Opposite gender
Generally, I get coached by a guy on a normal basis, it would be nice to get a female perspective.

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